Saturday, May 21, 2011

Morning are Great! (Kinda)....and getting better

Two weeks and one day......If you'll remember from a previous post that 'Mornings are Great! (kinda)' in regards to Courtney's walking and balance.  Well, that still holds true, but the mornings seem to be getting even better.  These improvements may be short-lived, as we are very aware that restenosis of the veins after the Liberation procedure is common, but its pretty exciting to see some positive change for the first time in years.

Although officially diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting MS, Courtney has never had a period of remission.  Its been a gradual worsening of symptoms for 5 years.  From that frame of reference its easy to understand how significant little changes for the better can be.  I'll let the videos do the rest of the talking today (all videos were taken in the morning).....and will keep updating regularly. 


All vids here are 2 weeks and 1 day post procedure


Hands Dexterity

Leg Lifts

These vids were 1 week post procedure



Leg Lifts

For comparison, here are pre-procedure vids



Leg Lifts

1 comment:

  1. "how significant little changes for the better can be" - As a MS spouse caregiver of over two decades, those 'little changes' are 'quantum leaps' when it comes to hope.

    Caregivingly Yours, Patrick
